
An eclectic spiritual & inspirational place to heal, learn, feel & expand. Heart & soul first. Miraculous experiences from India as well as the life & times of a spiritual healer/teacher in the U.S. Miracles, saints, sages, gurus, healing, life & death... and more...!

Monday, September 16, 2024

why do we do fire homas?


So, about fire homas..... 

To get a lot of positive energy, 

there is only one high super process that you need, 

that is the fire ceremony. 

You have to use that. 

It (the fire) takes your pain out and burns it. 

Absolutely, it sucks it out. It will really save your life. 

It will really wash out all the pain in your life, absolutely. 

Everything is possible if you believe...

– Sri Kaleshwar

WHY do we do so many homas? 

For the reasons described in this quote, by Sri Kaleshwar -- because the fire homa (ceremony) is the number one important spiritual process through which everyone can receive divine energy and powerfully healing, to the soul, rapidly. 

The result of these holy fires is that peoples' pain and inner turmoil, depression, anxiety, unease, fears, and upset, washes out super-quickly, as the concentrated divine energy pouring through the fire does its work so efficiently and intensely. 

We've seen the remarkable transformation, over and over again, hundreds and hundreds of times, in people who are carrying the suffering, heartbreaks, and 'thousand natural shocks that flesh is heir to,' over the last almost 20 years of doing fire homas. 

It is stunning! 

And really humbling to know that facilitating these homas, doing the sacred mantra chanting and making offerings to the fire, in the way that Sri Kaleshwar schooled us, can make such a palpable difference in the lives of so many. 

Many of you, I think, know that I came to all of this supernatural spirituality quite skeptically, with a kind of "you have to show me results" stance, in the beginning of my acquaintance with Sri Kaleshwar and this lineage of masters from India. 

The first time I experienced a fire homa, in South India (in 1999), feeling the divine power in the fire, hearing the vibrations of the pujaris, the priests, chanting the Vedas, I was buzzing from head to toe in my whole body and inner being.

I was absolutely blown away at how much lighter I felt, as a human being and as a soul, once the homa was finished. I couldn't make sense of it -- but by the time the homa was over, I felt so different, in a good way, that I didn't care HOW it had happened, really, but that it was palpable. 

I think that's the moment I became humbled and impressed by the power of the fire element -- never dreaming that one day I would be facilitating these fire homas, and training others to do the same. 

The crazy part these days is that by grace of technology, we are able to live-stream the fire homas... and the energy is doing its work for those who attend virtually, just as ably as it works for those present around the physical fire here in Los Angeles. (My organization, UCBK, does full and new moon fire homas every two weeks, on average - with a few exceptions.)

(And the same for those whose names are sponsored, and read aloud, as we send the blessing to each soul -- no matter where they are, in the world. We've heard astonishing stories of healings and life-shifts that occur for people who don't even know their names are being read into the fire because a friend or family member sponsored them!) 

This is, after all, a miracle energy tradition, and the foundation of all of our miraculous creation energy in our world is the sun -- the biggest, primordial, creation fire of them all (as far as Planet Earth is concerned). 

The essence of fire homa is that we are bringing some of the sun's creation capacity into the fire pit, in a bite-sized piece, as it were, of the vastness of the sun... and interacting directly with it through the agency of the particular energetic mantras we chant, and the offerings we make, to pull the sun's divine creative capacity right into the fire pit and right into every soul attending the fire ceremony. 

Infusing everyone with the light of god, and god's creation energy.

It is truly an incredible divine technology.

I hope you'll join us for our next fire homa -- either online or in person, in Los Angeles -- and feel this powerfully uplifting, healing energy for yourself.