
An eclectic spiritual & inspirational place to heal, learn, feel & expand. Heart & soul first. Miraculous experiences from India as well as the life & times of a spiritual healer/teacher in the U.S. Miracles, saints, sages, gurus, healing, life & death... and more...!

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

From Sri Kaleshwar, about mastery.... 

 "Until you cross (certain energy stages), it's very intense energy. To reach almost 50% of the stages, there are really a lot of processes.

You have to take the initiation to reach your destiny. Completely you have to follow the messages. If you are always back and forth in confusion, then even if you spend 25, 50 or 100 years, it's no use. With my channels and what I'm teaching, I'm giving strong instructions, rules and regulations to strictly follow.


Once you're confused, it's huge. If you have any questions, you have to discuss it directly with the master. Different masters have different ideas.

If you go on different paths it takes your life this way, that way, this way. It's like a rose flower; it starts, blooms, than quickly dies.

So all the information, the divine prayers, divine stages, you have to go very deeply step-by-step. Once you decide to take the commitment you have to go like a horse with blinders. You can't proceed this way and that way, up and down or you'll miss your way. One hundred percent you'll miss your way. 

Focus - focus - flow - that's it. Period. Keep on your track. 

For a person who has a regular family life, who is happy to do his business, who is happy to stay in his business, who is happy to stay with his family, who doesn't want to do spiritual practices, who doesn't want to be a healer, who doesn't want to be a guru, who doesn't want to be a master, there's no need to do all these practices. You can just go live a normal life. Otherwise, they'll be too many ups and downs.

Once you come in the student kingdom of your master, you become a student to change and become a master yourself; it's a commitment. If you take the initiation, forever and ever you have to stay in that process. Otherwise that energy drives you a little crazy. Even if you taste only a little bit of that energy, it puts you in a little confusion for a while, whether you want or you don't want to be a master.

Spirituality is spirituality; the master's nature is the master's nature. It cycles from the beginning, from master to master. For example, Muktananda's way of teaching, his way of loving, is different. Maybe it's a jasmine flower.

Sri Sai Kaleshwara Swami, his way of teaching, his way of doing things, it is a rose flower. There's jasmine, and there's a rose. 

But under this rose flower, there are little thorns. If you want to hold it, you need a little special talent to take the flower out, otherwise it can prick you. Each master is like that.

Every person needs to surrender to the Almighty, to the guru parampara. Every person is a student of a master, even Krishna. 

My super golden statement is: You have to surrender to the truth, and then you can know it. You can't wait to know it before you surrender. 

Surrender is a cosmic energy law. You have to surrender, but who are you really surrendering to? You are surrendering not to me, but to the guru parampara.

I'm a mirror. If you see me as beautiful, I'm beautiful. If you see me as crazy, I'm crazy. I reflect it back to you. Through love, following the principles, it's easy to understand the guru parampara. What you have to do is surrender. In the third stage of illusion you learn this surrender. The real experience depends on how much you really are enjoying your time with the master. To do this means that you must understand the energy flowing from the guru parampara.

You are very confused if you look to his personality and not his energy and his angels. Not only me - any spiritual master. You have to be very careful to understand this. 

Even if you think innocent thoughts like, “is Swami using hair color, or what type of clothes is he wearing, what type of shoes is he wearing?” - then you make the mistake of thinking Swami's personality is equal to understanding him.

You are in huge confusion. No chance, you can't come out from that.

Even my boys, who are working here for more than seven years, are still in huge confusion. They can't understand Swami. They're saying, "Different times he's eating, like 1 a.m., 2 a.m., or 4 a.m."

All I say is, "Hey I'm hungry, bring the food." Even some of Swami's dearest students, even they are confused.

My advice, try to hook the main branch directly, the main branch. If you hook some other branches there are a lot of unbalanced vibrations.

Go to the main branch directly. You have to go directly to the main point, the main man, the main master. Take that and go. That's my advice.

Always the real master is living in you. You have to recognize that is the one truth. The real master is always living in you. You do not need to go searching country by country, village by village, city by city, healer by healer. Take a beautiful friend, a master, a teacher, a guide, and take the knowledge.

Tell God, "Okay, this is the knowledge. Millions of people are doing the Indian tradition. Many people received. I'm also I'm doing this same process. Maybe mistakes are there. Maybe perfection is there. I have no idea. I am a kid. Oh God, I'm completely a kid. I have no idea if it's true or not, with my heart I am doing it. I am believing in you. I'm not depending on Sri Sai Kaleshwara Swami. I'm depending on you. You are the real judge. Give the result."

Change your life to be a holy healer, a soul healer − otherwise what is the purpose of your enlightenment?

What was the reason Jesus helped all those people? What was the reason Buddha meditated and meditated, and his soul completely healed millions of people? His soul was prepared like that. He’s sending his energy to everybody who prays to him.

When you are in the body, try to do that practice. Then when you leave your body, whoever thinks on you completely, your energy − your soul energy − comes to help them. That’s how they became avatars, holy persons. You must also turn your life, your body, to be like a holy person − a holy healer, a soul healer.

No matter if someone is in a big depression, if you meditate on him one shot, one time, one sitting, just touching his third eye to heal him, he will feel huge results. It’s like sharing a huge love. It’s not possible to explain through words. It must come through the experience.

Some people may be saying, “Oh Swami, when I sit in the meditation, I’m seeing huge light. My soul is completely dissolving in the huge light. I’m feeling such gloriousness. I’m enjoying such a beautiful experience. I’m seeing a lot of things in front of my third eye, and I’m feeling huge enlightenment.” 

That’s okay, but that’s only the first beginning stage of your enlightenment.

Secondly, how can you recognize when your soul is powerful?

For example, suppose I say, “This flower smells so good.” How do you know it smells good? When did you smell it? When did you think it? What’s happening at the time? You think for a moment, and then you say, “Yes, it’s beautiful. Swami, you’re right.”

If you’re not giving anybody healings, you can’t get any results. You need to work. Then the result comes. Then you need to give yourself the judgment.

I gave the seed. You need to plant it. Then you wait. Plant it in a proper way. Do with your energy what I said, to connect the Brahma Consciousness to your deepest desire thoughts. You can work on ten people at a time. In your meditation, you can handle ten people’s problems. Then you wait and see the seeds come up.

If one person visited you today, suppose you told him, “Next weekend, please visit me. I want to see the result.” Meanwhile, three, four days later that person calls, “Oh it is tremendous, something is happening. It’s good. Oh, I’m feeling so great.” When he’s saying something good, you feel a little, ‘Oh yeah, good, okay’ − because you’re also continually working with your heart with your Brahma Consciousness.

If one hundred people are saying, “Oh yeah” − then you completely know it’s working. There’s no doubt about it. When one thousand people are saying, “Oh yeah, perfect” − then you have huge willpower and self-confidence. You will have complete faith on what you are doing, on what’s working.

You have to practice to do the hard work. That’s very important. Otherwise it’s no good. If you’re only simply sitting in your kitchen, eating six chapattis with the two liters of dhal saying, “Oh Swami, what did you do? Nothing is happening.” − that’s crazy. You need to work.

Have your friends sit in front of you, then touch their third eye and meditate on them. Or two or more people can sit holding hands, or making contact with their bodies, and meditate together.

When four people sit together in meditation, the energy flows. You don’t even need to do a healing − you can still feel the energies magnetizing, pulling you. Then you feel oooohhhhh. The experience of one person meditating and four people meditating is completely different.

You need to recognize your energy when you’re starting to heal somebody else, when you’re working on somebody else, when you’re thinking on someone’s problems or your family members’ problems or your friends’ problems. Send your energy to them, heal them directly or from long distance, whatever it is.

That’s the only time when you can recognize your energy. You must to do the practice. It’s like I gave you a big Mercedes Benz car. I gave the keys. I trained you in a small jeep, but you have to practice in that properly. Even if I explain the car’s diving, “You do, do that, do this, do that, do that” − it’s no use. You have to practice it. Understand?

If I say, “Smell it, it is so beautiful” − you must also smell it. “Yeah, it’s beautiful.” That’s why I advise my students, “Please work, please do some work for people.”

Heal people’s souls, whoever really has problems − depression, strange problems. Then you can easily recognize your energy."

                                           ~ Sri Kaleshwar