
An eclectic spiritual & inspirational place to heal, learn, feel & expand. Heart & soul first. Miraculous experiences from India as well as the life & times of a spiritual healer/teacher in the U.S. Miracles, saints, sages, gurus, healing, life & death... and more...!

Monday, May 25, 2020


                                                                      for B. 

how a heart can be 
holy, unwhole
even while beating
in fine health

much like a planet,
spinning in its good time
a perfect globe
holding billions 
of hearts,

broken into pieces
of shattered, scattered 

but those binding ties
between us all -- 
strangers though we may seem
across continents, cultures, language
chasms of belief & practice -- 
go deeper still

pointing always 
to one

one light
one love
one peace 

held together by billions
of threads so delicate
as to remain shimmeringly unseen

but experienced, 
(tangible heartstrings tugged)
when triumph
or disaster

& closer, still...
in a fractured world
of fragmented hearts, 

if I hold your essential pulse 
in my warm hands, touching
your soul from deep within
my own eyes, breath, speech, 
heart beyond thought
where love knows 
its own way home

& in that holding,
a wholeness
even for a melted instant

a simple equation of ignition
two made 
candle flame held to another
just enough to leap into light, 
its self
& share more fire
in the darkness.

a newly trans(cendent)formed
can help illuminate
those illusory, 
seemingly separate threads,
by the millions

simply pouring flame
blessed, liquid fire
from inward 
to inwards again

to repair,
to lift,
to transform
the all 

the simple 
formless heat
of one.

this is how we burn,
this is how we bless.

this is how we heal.  




from 16 march 2011, (c) Alx Uttermann

Sunday, May 03, 2020

random act of kindness: the quarantine edition

quarantine story:

A beautiful young friend goes shopping for B and me sometimes; she is happy to do it. This morning, she got our list for two stores, Trader Joe’s and Ralph’s (grocery chain in SoCal). 
She texted me after coming from both places, saying the CRAZIEST thing had just occurred - while in the check-out line at Ralph’s, she remembered a neighbor who needed a few things, too, so she left the cart to go get them. 
By the time she returned... the young man ahead of her had PAID for our grocery items and just left, refusing to let her pay him back.  
Of couse he was masked, so there was no way to recognize him again! 
Wow. Needless to say, we were speechless. Who does that? 🙏🏽(Thank you, Baba!) 
As she’s driving toward our home, she mentions that her best friend (who was with her for the shopping/driving adventure) wants to pay for our Trader Joe’s groceries, as well - the best friend was so moved by the random act of kindness by the guy at Ralph’s!!!!!!!!!! 
So - these two ridiculously, unnecessarily kind people paid for our groceries today. 
Such beautiful gestures, and testimony to the open hearts in our world. 
We are so grateful, and humbled. 
I thought I should post about this in case these two strangers’ actions might inspire others to do the same. 
Stay safe, all, and remember that though these times may be chaotic and stressful, there are also beautiful people with open hearts in our world, quietly blessing others through simple kindness. 
Maybe you’ll be the next one?