Altar to The Phoenix
(in the time of coronavirus)
I want to see what comes
from these ashes
but first
I want to see the actual ash
for myself to know
it has finally all burnt down
beyond recognition.
O Phoenix — America
is on fire right now,
with a disease beneath a disease,
burning its way through
the old dark despicable writhing stuckness:
greed’s hideous moldy face
& everyone in its way
especially our poor, our children, our older folks,
our huddled masses yearning
not to huddle any more…..
my faith is in the young ones,
the beautiful laughing kids
who right now have no idea
that the sky is falling
while their adults stay at home
& entertain them, little angels,
all the while exchanging scared grown-up
meaning-filled looks
over the wee heads
& holding one another extra tight
for solace, for comfort, for life
hoping they won’t be the next
to catch a deadly spark
these children don’t know yet
the extent
of the fire blazing through
the American nightmare of selfishness
& perhaps they never will —
maybe your tail is in full flames by now,
dear Phoenix,
dear America,
but we have a long way to go
a long way to go
a long long way
before this conflagration burns you up
leaving the ash behind
(its pure remains
a new form
a new kindness
a new way
a re-newal
of this land, this people, this heart).
I want to see that ash for myself,
to know your old ways
have been charred to the ground
& scattered into oblivion’s void
where they belong.
I want to see that ash.
I want to see it all gone for good.
and then
I want to see you rise.