little earthquakes...
wow..... and what a year it's been...
here we are in 2012 -- I'm realizing the last time I posted anything to this blog was in the fall of 2011. seismic shifts, in my life, in the lives of many people I know and care about -- even seismic shifts on the planet.
major earthquakes in my life over the last two years or so:
* December 2010; the beginning of a powerful re-arranging of my personal life... the end of a 12-year-relationship I thought was for life, and the entrance into my life of a soul mate on all levels. shocking.
* direct experience of the Jesus energy in India, through the grace and guidance of Sri Kaleshwar, in February/March of 2011. literally life-changing. having met my soul mate just a few months before this experience allowed for its clarity and blessing to flow into and through my life, and the lives of about 35 people from the Santa Cruz area who also experienced the Jesus energy.
* October 2011-March 2012 -- care-taking UCBK in the Santa Cruz mountains as Jonathan spent a protracted time in India, with Kaleshwar. no one knew for sure but it was feeling like these were the final months of Kaleshwar's physical life in that body.
* March 15th, 2012 -- Sri Kaleshwar, my beloved friend, teacher, master, brother, soul mate and inner guru, left his physical body in a mahasamadhi. he was 39 years old. amazing, amazing time and transition and an incredible journey beginning in the amplification of his spiritual energy....
I'm still chewing on and digesting all the incredible changes that have seemed to flow seamlessly in my life over the last year or so -- spending a lot of time in silence, thinking deeply and not thinking but more experiencing myself from the level of awareness, or the consciousness... teaching, healing, traveling between Santa Cruz and Los Angeles quite a bit, helping where I can, serving whoever comes in front of me however I'm able to serve.