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Tuesday, May 21, 2019

ayurvedic churna recipe, courtesy of Ramana Maharshi

Recently I came across this brilliant cure-all ayurvedic medicinal churna recipe, and started sharing it with anyone who wants it.  I made some a week or so ago, for the first time, and have been taking it at least 2 - 3 times a day, with noticeable results immediately (especially an uptick in my energy, clarity, and stamina levels). 


This recipe came via a physician in India who got it from the great saint and siddha, Ramana Maharshi.  Ramana was a powerful spiritual character in India, who died in the 1960s, known for his emanating wisdom and long periods of silent contemplation and connection with divinity. 

The physician wrote: 
"This is a medicine for general vitality, strength and vigour. It is also reputed to cure many diseases, even complicated ones. I, for a good part of my practice, prescribe the above medicine and have found that it gives excellent results. This one formulation has earned for me a good name in the profession and with my patients." 

Since so many people asked me for the full recipe, here it is.....  

(Note: I’ve included the original recipe and grams measurements for this churna — this makes a LOT of it, maybe too much at one time. For example, 640 grams = 1.5 pounds of Ashwaganda, and it’d then need 3 pounds of rock sugar!  
So then I've broken it down into teaspoon measurements, and how many I used to make about 32 oz of the churna at a time.)


Ashwagandha Churnam
Clove — 10 grams
Sirunagappu (Saffron)— 20 grams
Cardamom — 40 grams 
Black Pepper — 80 grams 
Rice Pippali — 160 grams 
Dry Ginger — 320 grams 
Withania (Ashwaganda)— 640 grams 
Sugar Candy — 1280 grams

One can easily see that the quantity of the ingredients increases by multiples of two. This is again a speciality of Bhagavan Ramana. In ancient medicinal books the prescription for this particular recipe does not contain as many ingredients and certainly not their proportionate increase.

Clean the ingredients well (if needed), powder them, and mix them well. 

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So — I made it like this, using teaspoons per gram quantity (it’s about 4 grams per teaspoon):

1/2 teaspoon clove
1 teaspoon saffron
2 teaspoons cardamon
4 teaspoons black pepper
8 teaspoons pippali
16 teaspoons ginger powder 
32 teaspoons ashwaganda
64 teaspoons rock sugar (ground up into powder)

The major ayurvedic powders were available at Amazon, and yes, I DID use rock sugar as called for. I got saffron from Trader Joe's, etc., tossed it all in the food processor, and, well, wow. 

I'd suggest taking a teaspoon, minimum 3x a day, either in water (warm or cold), or you can mix the powder into some honey and take it as a rasayana. 

I hope this helps you gain better health and increased vitality! 

Please let me know how it goes for you, if you try making this churna, and taking it, in the comments section below.  

Om shanti......




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